Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Stellar Dawn - Looking for Details

I've complained previously on this blog (and for years to my friends) that I really want a sci-fi MMORPG that's not based solely around ships (ala EVE Online) or a complete travesty (ala Star Wars Galaxies).  Jagex, the creators of Runescape (a game I've never played) are currently developing a sci-fi MMORPG called Stellar Dawn.  Other than being described as a combat focused sci-fi MMORPG with exploration and pvp aspects, there's almost no information available.  It's not going to be a graphics powerhouse, and it's going to be browser based (sigh).  Still, I could forgive those things if the game scratches the sci-fi itch that's been bugging me for years.

Yes, I know Star Wars: The Old Republic is going to be the biggest "sci-fi" MMO release ever, and I'm still hopeful that it will be a good game worth playing.  However, Star Wars (especially The Old Republic) is more science fantasy than science fiction.  I like it, but it doesn't scratch that sci-fi itch for me.  I had really hoped Bioware was going to make a Mass Effect MMO, as that would have been much closer to what I want.  Alas, it was not to be.

So, Stellar Dawn.  Anyone know anything?  Is this something I should be eagerly awaiting?  Or is it just going to be too simplistic due to it's browser-based nature.  Or will it end up being another "ship" game.  As if we need more of those . . . (EVE Online, Battlestar Galactica Online, Black Prophecy, Jumpgate Evolution).

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